Common Foot Ailments

Achilles Tendonitis
Achilles tendonitis is a relatively common ailment that affects a broad number of people. It can be treatable with rest and proper care. Proper footwear, wearing custom orthotics, and an understanding of the causes of Achilles tendonitis can prevent this injury from occurring in the first place. Footstar Orthotics has compiled all of the information that our clients need to know about Achilles tendonitis causes, symptoms, and treatments, along with solutions for prevention through the use of our custom orthotic insoles... Read
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Bulging Discs
Bulging discs are often referred to as disc protrusion and are a very common type of condition. Bulging discs are the beginning phases of a herniated disc. Although bulging discs do not usually cause people discomfort, they have the ability to cause pain. This is especially true if they start pressing against a nerve in the spinal cord... Read
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Diabetic Foot Pain Insoles
Diabetic neuropathy is a condition in which nerves are compromised as an effect of high blood sugar levels. Statistics show that nearly 60% – 70% of diabetics go through some kind of neuropathy. This condition may present itself in different ways. Some of the symptoms may contain tingling, burning, and numbness in your hands or feet. It is the result of nerve damage also titled as “Peripheral Neuropathy... Read
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Flat Feet Insoles
Flat feet occur when the inner arch of the foot becomes flattened, meaning that the entire sole will come into contact with the floor. Flat feet are particularly evident when there is pressure applied to the foot when a person is standing. Often referred to as fallen arches, flat feet are characterized by having extremely low arches, or often there is no arch present in the foot at all... Read
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Herniated Discs
Herniated discs are a very painful condition that many people face. This issue is present in the spinal cord and causes a large amount of discomfort and secondary effects. In the spinal cord there are dozens of discs that are situated between the vertebrae that make up the spine. A herniated disc occurs when one of these discs, which is often referred to as a jelly, escapes its desired position through a tear in the spinal exterior... Read
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High Arches Insoles
Footstar Orthotics is an expert provider of custom orthotics. We have a long history within the footcare business, and we pride ourselves in our ability to provide pain relief for people who suffer from aches associated with high arches in their feet. Footstar utilizes innovative technology to provide perfectly formed and effective orthotics, which are delivered straight to your door... Read
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Hip Arthritis
Hip arthritis is a common condition that occurs when the tissues and cartilage around the hip bones begin to degenerate. This shock-absorbing cartilage is absolutely necessary for a body to function correctly, as having it is the difference between pain and comfort. Although hip arthritis is more present in the older community, it can very well affect the younger generation as well... Read
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Knee Arthritis
People tend to pigeonhole osteoarthritis as a condition that comes with age, however, arthritis is not a condition that is limited by this factor. For many people, knee arthritis is an issue that developed because of genetics, gender (women are more prone to knee arthritis), excess weight, sport-related injuries, wear and tear, or infections... Read
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Medial Meniscus Degeneration
The knee, which is a hinge joint, is formed when our leg bones meet at the center. When our thigh and shin bones join at the knee, they are met by two layers of cartilage, which are often referred to as the lateral and medial meniscus. It is this cartilage that sustains our knees and absorbs any shock they might encounter... Read
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At Footstar Orthotics, we know exactly how distracting and limiting foot pain can be, which is why we offer our clientele quick and easy ways to turn their lives around. For many people, taking care of their feet is not an important priority. However, we tend to forget that feet make us mobile, offer us support, and balance our bodies... Read
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Plantar Fasciitis
At Footstar, we have encountered a large number of different foot conditions and issues. In order to help each individual patient, we have invested in high-end technologies that allow us to create the most efficient custom-made orthotics. Throughout our orthotic career, we have been able to deliver quality products to our customers, which has helped them overcome some extremely painful conditions, one of which is called plantar fasciitis... Read
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Shin Splints
There are several painful conditions that result from physical activity or overuse of the feet, joints, and muscles of the lower leg. These ailments, including shin splints, turf toe, and foot imbalances, are physically uncomfortable and are disruptive to a person’s regular activities. Each of these conditions can lead to greater pain throughout the body and can have long-lasting consequences on a person’s health and physical wellbeing... Read
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Custom Orthotics Cost
It is said that about 75% of Americans will experience one or more types of foot pain in their lives, and usually this occurs because of issues with their shoes. Many turn to custom orthotics to align your foot and ankle into the best anatomic position. Orthotics typically look like shoe insoles, but as the name implies, they are personalized to correct your specific foot issue... Read
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